The writing styles used in short stories can be somewhat unusual or surprising to its readers, sometimes their writers use literary techniques which might wear a reader down if employed through the length of a novel. Short stories make the perfect fodder to create anthologies. You will discover the seven short stories contained in this Celebrating of the Short Story are as diverse in technique and theme as one could hope for. Nevertheless, they are united in the fact that they are each in and of themselves short stories.
Celebrating the Short Story takes you on seven diverse journeys. Go along with Delores Strong to what might be the end of the world in C. D. Sutherland’s Roll Call. Experience a special Christmas celebration between a daughter and her mother in Beverly Flander’s The Stroke of Christmas. See a widow solve a case of a missing prize rose in Judy Burford’s The Theft. Follow a sister’s adventure of discovery in Carole Lehr Johnson’s Edge of the Sea. Discover how an entire clan was saved to alter history in Tammy Kirby’s Saving the McKinnon. See how a young girl’s life was changed because someone cared in Eileen K. Copeland’s A Christmas Feral. Finally, experience a launch into space in Eileen K. Copeland’s A Dream of Snow.